UE Local 1177 invites you to participate in the nominating and elections for Officers of the Executive Board, Delegates, Bargaining Committee & Trustees. In accordance with UE Local 1177 Constitution and Bylaws, the Executive Board presents the following process for nominations and elections for each position:
President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, four (4) Chief Stewards: a Chief Steward in District 1: Chicago, District 2: Galesburg, Southern IL, and St Louis MO, District 3: Central and Southern Indiana and District 4: Wisconsin, Minnesota area, and four (4) members elected at large. Each At Large Member shall be elected in their District. Trustees and Sergeant-at-Arms, Bargaining/Grievance Committee at Large and Delegates to the Regional and National Convention.
In order to be eligible to run for any office, nominate others and or vote, drivers in UE Local 1177 must be in good standing with the Union. To be in good standing, you must have signed a membership card and or paid dues by September 11, 2020. Please call (312) 574-0733 to request a membership card and pay your dues.
Nominations for UE Local 1177
To nominate a person for office, please join the UE Local 1177 Membership phone call at 12:00 noon Central Time, Saturday 12th, 2020 at (312) 210-9824. The Nomination must be seconded by another member in good standing. Nominations will be taken in New Business section of the agenda. All members are encouraged to participate on the membership phone call.
Nominations are closed on September 19th, 2020, and the Recording Secretary of UE Local 1177 will confirm the acceptance of nomination for each office with each member nominated. Ballots will be produced and mailed to those individuals that requested one as outlined below.
Notice of Election for Officers for Local 1177
UE Local 1177 will hold the election through the website called Election Runner. If you wish to have a paper ballot mailed to your home after nominations, you must write to UE Local 1177 Recording Secretary, 37 South Ashland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60607 or call (312) 574-0733 to request for a paper ballot. Your request must be made no later than 5:00 pm Central, Wednesday September 29th, 2020.
The Election Process will be explained in detail at the October 10, 2020 Membership Meeting Conference Call (312) 210-9823.The Electronic Election Balloting for members will take place via the Election Runner Website via text message to you on Saturday October 10th, 2020 beginning at 3:00 pm and closing Sunday October 11th, 2020 at 2:59 pm Central. You will receive a text message that will lead you to an online, secure voting site where you can cast your vote.
Notice of the election results will be provided to all members at the November 14th Membership Meeting at 12:00 noon Central at (312) 210-9823.
Should only one member be nominated for an office, the Recording Secretary will request that a single ballot be cast in that person’s name on the October 10th, 2020 membership meeting conference call. Should the ballot motion pass by a majority of those voting, the person shall be elected to that office for which they were nominated.