UE Local 1077 & PTI finish 3 days of bargaining. The boss is playing cheap.

Ed Stepheson, Lela Jankowski and J Burger from UE met with Jake Fulcher (attorney), Steve Kessler and Chris Bernfield from PTI met for 3 days in Reno Nevada at the beginning of November. We made progress in getting contract language settled with some items remaining, but the dollars and cents from the boss are not there.

What are we still fighting for?
The Union proposed 29 new sections for the contract: everything from road board rules to yard job bidding, seniority to safety. Five or so non-economic items remain open and the Union is fighting to keep strong protections for drivers.

We have not agreed to language on subcontracting, which PTI wants. The Union is demanding protections for when PTI sends out of town drivers to a different area. We are holding the line that the regular drivers works first and when out of hours, then the out of towner gets behind the wheel.

Drivers want more money in wages, more vacation, shift differential and cell phone payments, the Union began with 17 economic proposals. Many of the proposals remain open and we have no agreement as of yet.

As you are reading this flier, the bosses at PTI are offering a lousy 1.25% wage increase or $.010 over minimum wage for 2021 and 1.5% for 2022. THAT IS NOT ENOUGH! The Union bargaining committee continues the fight for retroactive wages to March 5th, 2020 for drivers that came over from Hallcon and over $1.00/hour for all drivers in 2021 and 2022. We have not agreed to the length of the contract. We are holding out for call-in/report-in pay of 2 hours minimum for safety meetings and drug testing, they want to pay you just the time spent.

PTI is proposing less vacation days than they give us now. The Union has stated that drivers are not interested, at all. We are fighting to get the right to take vacation because many drivers report they are being denied requests.

We are proposing that drivers get money in a Health Savings Account (HAS), just like the corporate employees get. Drivers could use that HSA money to offset copays, deductibles and pharmacy costs.

The Union still fights on for shift differential and for payment for use of our cell phones.

The Union bargaining committee knows PTI is not offering enough. We may have one more meeting with the Company officials before they try to cram substandard wages down our throat. To fight this, the bargaining committee has to know that they are fighting for something YOU will fight for. Now we need you to join the fight.

Next steps in the fight for a FAIR CONTRACT.

1. Share this leaflet with your coworker. Discuss it with them, and

2. Find out who your contract support committee (CSC) in your area. Tell them what you are willing to do to fight for a Fair Contract. Call UE Field Organizer Fernando Ramirez @ (323) 572-4668 to find out their name and number, and

3. Get copies of the RailCrew Supports PTI Driver Fight for a Fair Contract. Please ask every crew member to read and sign the card and return it to you. Return the cards ASAP by texting a picture to Lela Jankowski at (530) 859 2683.

If PTI management does not significantly increase its wage and economic offer, the Union will begin circulating a Strike Petition to gauge drivers willingness to fight for more.